Before lockdown we were doing creative writing and some of us weren't able to finish it or some of us forgotten to put it on there blog. What we were learning about before we were in lockdown we were making a creative writing about 100 meter spring and if we were in it. some people were learning about making a mote. A mote is when we press on the mote button it will record your voice and are teacher told us to put a mote in are writing. It was easy to put a mote in and record my voice but it was hard at the same time because there were people around me so I got nervous because I didn't want to talk out loud it's like anxiety , when I record my voice I would make mistakes so I had to start all over again and I would have to make more motes. I found it hard to write down about if I was in a 100 meter sprint which I would have to take awhile to write down something. It was also hard to pick a colour for the back of my writing so I just went with something normal and I picked white for my writing. Maybe next time I would change the colour of my background but it would take awhile for me to think of a background because it took me a long time to think of this background SO YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT BECAUSE THAT'S MY NINDO MY NINJA WAY DATTEBAYO!
What else should I do to make it better for you guys to like so just tell me in the comments.
Hi Stephanie its Riria here just saying how good and amazing your stems are but also to say that you could have done you writing a bit better by slowing down your mote and make your voice sound like you are there.
ReplyDeleteKa rawe Riria